Friendship is a weird system

 I-- don't know what it's really like to be with friends because I don't have friends, not exactly in both my and your defination.

So friends are kind of... useless to me, because I don't know what it's like to be and have a proper friend.

Can somebody explain?

(I was technically forced to write this as a assignment but I just dont get it that is why i'm asking you, reader)

I hope you have a good day?


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Friends are people that know you better than strangers

    2. Thank you that is very helpful, except what do I do if I call them aquaintaces?

    3. Help I just read ur username as R that is Emo

    4. Then friends are people that know you better than acquaintances. And I think you are too emo


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