You need these eggs in everything(DISCLAIMER-COPYRIGHT IMAGES????? idk fbi plas dont come for me)



 I was assign to re write the essay here but you know, It is too boring. Plus it had nothing to do about me. I am still not going to edit that coin bbg post. Anyways, today i want to talk about why eggs are essential in almost every meal and truly it is needed in every meal. Take it more as the facts that I know because I am lazy to research things.

1st reason- eggs are very yes

That's one very photogenic aesthectic egg

  As you can see, my number 1 fact is that, an egg looks good. Even when it is a stand-alone dish it, muah mwah *Italian gestures* is very delicious (And if cooked properly, it would be very deliriously photogenic as well). If it is fried right, I mean. If  you cannot cook even a simple sunny-side up egg, then you have a long way of surviving, independently.

2nd reason- helping other food

 As for my number two fact, It really elevates or distinguish the taste or smell. Like for an example,In person A's pov you bought a fish fresh from the market and behold, it stinks, so you are afraid to touch it. I mean, it is just fish of course it is going to be like that, coward. So all you did was scrape off the scales and fried it in a frying pan. When you ate it, it was very dry but hey, it is crispy (not really) at the least, and... It just tastes like fish, you do not anymore descriptive adjectives to describe anymore. Just that and well, that. 

 In teenager Gordon Ramsey's  person B's pov you also bought fish from the market. You brought it home, and it stinks as well but you know what does the job. You scraped off the scales and dipped the whole thing in a bowl of eggs. Then you tossed it into frying pan. After awhile, you took it out and ate it. Now this is what you call, crispy. Not the burnt skin of person A's dish.

 Plus it looks good and smells better you cannot change my mind .

Man you can see every spore of oil in every crevices of that meat

You must be drooling and is very hungry now I can tell tale
What happens when I put high res pics:

And it very much gives more life to salads. (And, it could finaly be put together with sesame sauce -reply of that one comment)

3rd reason- health purposes

  Eggs have really high clacium. Calcium help strengthen your weak teeth (When you bite into something cold, it just cannot take it.) and make your bones flexible, dense and stronger(Like when you stand up after sitting for awhile, you will still be able to)."-Low bone density can cause your bones to become brittle and fragile. These weak bones can break more easily, even without an obvious injury." Do you know that calcium helps bones as well? Perks of having doctors as parents, I guess. 

 People who are lactose intolerant, which are people who are allergic to milk proteins can also easily use eggs as replacement. That being said,

4 reason- helping other food 1.2 x small                                 continuation of health purposes

  You know cakes? Or other baked things? I bet you do. If you did not, then you really need to get out of your house and get some baked food. Eggs are a essential part of making dough because it keeps all the molecues of them(?) from falling out. Apparently, IF the recipe does not include liquid, you can use eggs for the moisture- what google said. "Eggs are high in protein and fat. Eggs can be added for an additional richness in the recipe" so yea. And with the crust too- Oh yeah.


  I believe that you do not actually need eggs for everything, in my other opinion. You could always use other replacements for it because for good lord, it is not cheap. I understand if you think like this too, I do not hold a grudge against that. -BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE (yes, han fei I think my writing is going to be this long)

My mindmap so I don't get in trouble :)

THE END (come back for more!)


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