
 Hi, I'm me. And you're you. Here are somethings that I do( I guess).

  My blog is not centered around anything, If it is approapriate I will just post


  Hi, for privacy and legal purposes I will not share my real name but you can call me anything ypu want. I like collecting things especially from my adventures (and anything vintage centered gets the extra oomph). I am a risky person who does not really have shame, embarrasment yes but not shame. I get really loud and brash in a familiar and comfortable place or setting. I don't really take my words back when I say it because I do mean it. Nor do I second chance alot of things.

  Hobbys? Drawing. Anime characters. My proportions are pretty good to me but I hope to improve more. Maybe when I get the courage I may just post it here.

  Food. I eat bland food. I microwave my salads. And think sesame mayonaise on lettuce are stupid (but tomatoes are the only ones I think it tastes good).

  If there are future goals, it would be that I would get better grades (exp: +1 mark than last year= improvement, apparently?) and have more adventures, collect souveniers from nature from said adventures along with doing alot more weird things like, growing my own yeast, growing coffee from scratch, raising a dragonfly. Yes, a dragonfly (When I grow up, my mother said I could, If I am really that crazy)

  One might say that I have no aim in life, the other may say that I have crazy dreams. Whatever it is, I agree with both sentiments. The other thing I love is, opinions. That is what I love about dicussing topics. So, if you would like to donate a comment or a disagreement on my theories then please do. You are all welcome here so if you felt intincts tingling on your skin to talk to me then do it. I won't judge( at the same time, heavily will).

  And that is really it. If I want to I'll be here everyday writing or doing things again. Hope to give somemore content and get some feedback!


  1. What else are you supposed to use sesame mayonnaise on if it is not lettuce? Do you just eat it directly?

  2. yea technically (Not really me, I eat bland food,(because somehow i am that lazy to even sort out diffrent tastes) it's my siblings). I like experimenting w/ food so like- I tried it on litterally everything else other than lettuce. If you do then I don't mind (jk,,,,god forbid)


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